10 Food Items For A Healthy Liver

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Canva

1. Fruits and vegetables:

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, including berries, leafy greens, and cruciferous vegetables, supports liver health.

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2. Ginger:

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that reduce oxidative stress and production of proinflammatory substances, helping prevent and improve liver diseases.

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3. Garlic:

It contains liver-supportive substances with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Regularly consuming garlic may improve liver health and reduce the risk of liver cancer.

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4. Chia and flaxseeds:

Eating high-fibre foods has been shown to reduce liver disease markers and fat accumulation in NAFLD, as well as potentially help prevent liver cancer.

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5. Olive oil:

Olive oil has high levels of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, which may help reduce fat accumulation in the liver and prevent liver disease and inflammation.

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6. Legumes:

Legumes are rich in fibre, which supports liver health by reducing body weight, decreasing liver enzymes, and lowering blood pressure levels.

Image Source: Canva

7. Nuts and seeds:

Nuts and seeds are nutritious and may decrease the risk of liver diseases like NAFLD when included in a healthy diet regularly.

Image Source: Canva

8. Green tea:

As it is rich in antioxidants, green tea is protective against liver conditions such as liver cancer.

Image Source: Canva

9. Fatty fish:

Fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats that help reduce inflammation and lower liver fat and triglycerides in those with NAFLD.

Image Source: Canva

10. Coffee:

Coffee is one of the best beverages for promoting liver health. It protects the liver from disease.

Image Source: Canva

Inputs By:

Nutritionist Harleen Gill

Image Source: Canva