People across the world have increasingly become conscious about their health and want to keep themselves fit by adopting healthy habits like exercising regularly and following a balanced diet. However, one may think that a person who is 56 years of age would like to go slow and easy on physical activities. But a woman from Chennai shared her inspirational story of how she took to exercising in the gym despite health challenges.

The video of the woman hitting the gym with her daughter-in-law wearing a saree has gone viral on the internet.

Shared jointly by Humans of Madras and Madras Barbell on Instagram, the 56-year-old woman can be seen lifting heavy weights and dumbbells and various other gym machines wearing a saree in the clip that was captioned, "She’s 56. So what? She wears a saree and casually does powerlifting & pushups! Age is just a number - rightly proves one of the powerful, (young by heart), inspiring mothers-in-law. Her dedicated & supportive daughter-in-law works out with her regularly too. Isn’t this called ‘growing with each other’?"

She is also seen working out with her daughter-in-law, towards the end of the video.

The woman was suffering from knee and leg pain and medication was of no avail after which she decided to do something about it  and spoke to her son, who owns a gym. After much research, he concluded that his mother should exercise and that is how her journey of working out in the gym began.

"I'm 56 now and still continue to work out. Even your attire shouldn't stop you from doing what you wish to do! My daughter-in-law and I work out regularly. I was 52 when I first hit the gym. It all started when I was diagnosed with severe knee and leg pain," the text supers o the video read.

The video since being share on Instagram has garnered over 93k views on Humans of Madras. 

One of the user on seeing the clip wrote, "Truely an inspiration. People normally find excuses not to workout. But she is good example… amazing!!"

"This is by far the best story I have heard in a while! I hope many many more ladies will be inspired by this post and prioritize their health and physical well-being," wrote another.

While a third wrote, "Super happy to see rocking in saree."