Raw power and strength of a lion gives it the title ''king of the jungle''. Any act of daringness could cost the person dearly. But Internet users have often taken to social media platforms to showcase their dare devilry. One such act that has gone viral and has taken netizens by surprise is about a woman interacting with a lion as if it were her pet. In the video shared on Instagram, a woman can be seen taking food directly from a lion’s plate. 

The video was shot at Wild Life Park Ras al Khiamah in the UAE. The clip opens up with a lion eating pieces of flesh kept on a plate. A woman is also seen sitting by his side and calmly eating from the same plate. There isn't a bit of fear or nervousness on her face as she dares to eat with the big cat. The lion too does not look bothered with the woman eating from his plate.

"No any other place in the earth can make you doing this Only here," read the caption shared on the zoo's Instagram page rak_zoo.

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Since being shared, the viral clip has amassed over 3.7 million views, 46,713 likes and tons of comments.

One seeing the video one of the user wrote, "Ya that’s def an accident waiting to happen. It’s there natural instinct to protect there food. What pleasure would someone get out of this".

"And then he eats you !! Those are wild animals not pets," wrote another Instagram user.