Bengaluru, the silicon valley of India has over the years witnessed some strange and hilarious visuals that have become the subject of several internet memes. In yet another ''peak Bengaluru'' moment, a term used for the attention-grabbing incidents happening in the IT hub, a man was seen riding pillion with a paper bag on his head.
The image of the man was shared on microblogging site X, formerly Twitter, by @3rdEyeDude with the caption "Helmet, what's that?"
In the picture, one can see two men on a bike. While the rider is seen in a proper helmet, the passenger wearing a black t-shirt is seen sitting behind him has put on a paper bag on his head.
Since being shared, the picture has amassed close to 34,000 views, over 300 likes and tons of comments.
"He is testing the AI cameras," commented one user on seeing the post.
"Bro might have printed number plate on his head, joked another user.
"A unique use case of Kanti Sweets cover.... Even the cover manufacturers wouldn't have thought off! Happy Diwali," wrote a third.
"Kanti sweets recycle helmet cover with 100% recyclability and 0% for head protection," wrote a fourth.