A viral video of a 'sanskari' thief from a temple in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut surfaced on social media on Wednesday, leaving the netizens amused. In the video clip, the thief can be seen paying his respects to the temple deity before stealing an idol from the temple. After bowing to the idol, he placed it in his bag, and runs away with it. His 'sanskari' act was captured in the CCTV cameras that were installed at the temple premises.
Several social media users commented on the video of the theif that went viral. An X user called the thief honest and stated that at least he knew he was going to commit something wrong.
"He is at least honest and knows what wrong he is going to commit. We just cannot see people taking pledges in the name of various gods/books assuming office and doing all kinds of misdeeds, those are real thieves," he wrote.
Another X user wrote that "progress happens only through values and God will definitely make progress."
Another similar incident happened in 2022 when the video of a thief at a temple in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur went viral. In the video, a shirtless thief was seen entering the temple's inner sanctum, bowing before the deity before he committed the crime.
The thief, whose face was covered, was surprised when he saw the statue of the goddess after lifting the curtain in the temple. He then bowed down to the idol and went on to steal the donation boxes and other valuables in the temple.
After the video went viral, a social media user commented on X stating that if "a devotee steals from the abode of God it is not theft."
Another X user stated that "a devotee will seek help from God during difficult times."