A man was detained by the police on Wednesday after throwing eggs at King Charles and Camilla, his wife and queen consort, as they were interacting with the crowd in York in northern England.

Footage shared on social media showed four eggs flying past the 73-year-old monarch and his wife and smashing onto the ground. The royal couple seemed to be unmoved by the incident and carried on with their engagement, as reported by Reuters.

Police officers rushed in to drag away a protester who was shouting slogans, while the people gathered for the event booed the man with “shame on you” and shouted "God save the King."

Charles, who came to the throne in September after the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth, is on a two-day tour of northern England.

A number of engagements are planned for the monarch in Yorkshire, including unveiling a statue of the late Queen Elizabeth II, the first to be installed since her death in September.

The visit is part of a traditional ceremony in which the UK monarch is officially welcomed to York by the city’s Lord Mayor and was last carried out by the Queen in 2012.

Eggs were also thrown at Elizabeth's royal car in 2022 when she visited Nottingham, central England, and anti-British protesters threw eggs at Charles during a walkabout in central Dublin in 1995, according to Reuters.

Charles III was formally proclaimed King of the United Kingdom at a historic ceremony at St James's Palace on September 10.

(With inputs from agencies)