This first thing that you would do after seeing a rat running around your house is to set up a trap to catch it. But what if the rat  smartly manages to take the food from the trap and escape? This may sound a little unbelievable but in a video that has gone viral on the internet a rat stole the food from inside the trap with the help of a tool.

In the video shared on the microblogging site Twitter by @WallStreetSilv,  a rat trap can be seen set up for the little rodent. Soon the rat approaches the trap but stops. For a while he vanishes away only to return with a stick and activate the trap. As the stick gets stuck, the rat enters the trap and pulls out the food kept inside it.

“To hell with Artificial Intelligence learning how to take over. If the rats are using tools now, we are really done. Introducing RatGPT,” read the caption of the video.

Since being shared, the video has amassed 4.3 million views and tons of comments.

"Everybody is stepping up their game these days!," wrote one user after watching the video.

"It didn’t even flinch, damn," wrote another in surprise.

"Had to lose 3 family members first, but he did learn, wrote a third jokingly.