Have you ever noticed an unusual 'X' mark on the last compartment of trains in the Indian Railways? If yes, then you may have thought about the reason behind this cross mark.

In the latest tweet, the Indian Railways has explained the reason for putting a cross sign saying the sign denotes that the train is moving with its last coach and no coach is left over.

The sign is usually in effervescence yellow and white. It means that the 'X' sign at the back of the train should be taken as a confirmation that the train has passed in its entirety without any missing coaches being left behind.

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Apart from this, the presence of the sign on the last box of the train has another significance. The X mark on the last coach of a train is highlighted with a mission to save an accident as it helps to confirm that the one with the sign is the last box of that train. If you don't happen to find a box with the X mark behind a train, then it is an emergency as the chances of an accident increase if it is separated from the train.

Hence, the guard on duty who displays the green flag on the rail crossing notices the X mark to confirm that all the coaches of that train are connected.

In case the X mark is missing in the last coach, the station master raises an alert. Only after seeing the last compartment with ‘X’ mark, the station master allows the station master of the previous station to leave another train.

Also, if you have ever noticed the letters LV written along with the cross mark, it means Last Vehicle. It is also a small board sign highlighted with black on yellow colour and is usually attached to the rear side of the vehicle. A red light is available right below the letter X and it is a vital element to focus on.

At night, when it is dark and the sign is not very prominent, the red light under the scope of the mark helps to determine the last coach.