A heartwarming video of a loyal dog chasing an ambulance carrying its human to the hospital came to light on social media. The video which went viral on X shows that as soon as the medical officer realised the dog was following the vehicle, he allowed the pet inside the ambulance to accompany its human.

As the viral video begins, it shows a dog chasing the ambulance. After a while, the ambulance stops from which a man comes out. He opens the back gate of the ambulance and lets the dog in.

"A dog was running after the ambulance that was carrying their owner. When the EMS realized it, he was let in," the user said in a post on X while uploading the video.

Netizens Overwhelmed By Heartwarming Viral Video

After the video went viral, X users appreciated the loyalty of the dog toward his master. One of the netizens said, "Dogs, these incredible creatures, don't need words to express their emotions. Their actions, like this valiant chase, speak volumes."

The second netizen shared his own experience with a dog and commented, " When I fell outside at home and broke my leg, passed out and came to… my little fur baby was nudging me and whimpering. I felt so bad for her. After I got out of the hospital… she walked side by side-step by step with me. Hubby called us Low and Slow😂 I miss her so much. She passed on July 4th."

The third said, "Yes these videos melt my heart."

"This is so so sad. I would take that poor baby in a heartbeat, " the fourth X user stated.

"Humans don't deserve dogs. They're just so pure and good to us," another person remarked.