People in the national capital Delhi have been gasping for clean air as the air quality index in the city has continued to remain in the poor to very poor category for the last few days. Thick layer of smog has engulfed the city, forcing the government to shut down schools and announce mandatory work-from-home for fifty per cent of Delhi government employees.

And as concerns of the pollution levels rising further increase due to stubble burning in neighbouring states like Punjab, people have taken the opportunity to churn out some hilarious memes on the issue.

"Smoking in Delhi is healthier than doing yoga in Delhi, wrote a Twitter user.

Superman after flying through Delhi air for 10 min, wrote another. While a third wrote, Just consumed 32 cigarettes today.

Another wrote,"Taazi hawa to beta kuch din me itni itni thailiyon me sunar ki dukaan pr bikegi."

 Sharing a meme one of the user summed up the plight of those living in Delhi.

The Air Quality Index (AQI) in the city stood at 431 on Saturday as air pollution remained in the severe category for a third consecutive day. Neighbouring Noida abd Gurugram also recorded an AQI of 529 and 478 respectively.

The PM2.5 fine particles was above 460 micrograms per cubic metre, which is several times above the safe limit of 60 micrograms per cubic metre.

“The air quality in India is deteriorating due to many activities – industrial expansion in cities, population density, improper waste management, crop burning, increased automobile use and a few natural causes. There is evidence that air pollution, both outdoor and indoor, is on the rise and is behind higher morbidity and mortality rates,” Kartik Singhal, founder of O2 Cure and managing director at Zeco Aircon Ltd told PTI.