New Delhi: For the past week, a father has become a social media sensation for using a regular spoon to cut his son's hair. He even took a video of the entire procedure and uploaded it to Instagram. The video got a lot of attention and responses from users, as was to be expected. Some joked that they would never buy a razor again, despite the fact that many praised his remarkable talent. Even the man's editing abilities were appreciated by netizens.
"I cut my boy’s hair with a spoon. Since we are all doing magic on haircuts now,” read the caption that an Instagram user with the handle @ari_rover added to the video.
“Barbing with spoon” appears in a text insert at the beginning of the video. His son can be seen sitting in front of the camera with a big smile as the video progresses. He can then be seen cutting his son's hair with a spoon's edge a few seconds later. He dusts the loose hair with a hairbrush toward the end and flaunts the result.
Five days ago, the video was shared on Instagram. Since then, it has received more than 30,000 views. Numerous comments have also been left on the short but stunning video.
Here’s How People Reacted To The Video:
“It’s a razor in spoon shape,” wrote an individual with a laughing emoticon. ”Spoon made from vibranium,” posted another. “Never buying a razor to shave my legs again,” expressed a third. “Show us the blade behind that spoon,” commented a fourth. “Wow!!! I need this magic spoon,” shared a fifth. A sixth remarked, “Editor of life. ” “After watching this for 432 million times. Amazing talent! Is there an entire barber cutlery sharpened as well?” enquired a seventh.
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