Bad parking most of the times leads to heated arguments even amongst the the most friendly neighbours. Sometimes it turns ugly leading to physical fights. In one such incident of wrong car parking, a message exchange between two people from the same neighbourhood has gone viral on Reddit. Though the incident’s location remains unclear, the Reddit post suggests it is somewhere in Britain.

The post mentions that a neighbour posted a letter pinned to the window of a car parked on a public road with the request, "Please move your car. Thank you".

The driver, who had parked the vehicle on a public street replied by saying, "May I ask why? It's taxed, insured, and on the road I live on. At least tell me! Paul (Number 31), Who are you?".

The driver’s blunt reply instantly became viral garnering attention and laughter from Reddit users. The post has so far garnered 21,000 upvotes and over 1200 comments.


"eagerly awaiting their response. i love these situations where people think they own the public road outside of their house," commented one user on the post.

"There’s an ongoing thread on my nextdoor about someone wanting a car (a pretty new Alfa estate) with a caravan attached moving from “their” road. It’s not even outside their house. Apparently it’s an eyesore. Also they were going to let the tyres down to encourage them to move it - I pointed out that maybe making it immovable was potentially counter productive. It’s still going on," wrote another user.

"Please tell me that this is a Nissan Micra - there’s a red one that blocks half the road of a bus route I drive. His offside mirror has been taken off at least twice in the past month. Someone I work with knows the owner who says that he leaves it there for “traffic calming purpose," commented a third.