With just two days left for Diwali, people are in a hurry to finish off preparations for the festival on time. The task of cleaning, painting walls, and removing the dust from ceiling fans inside the house, which is a mandatory ritual for most households during Diwali is also in full swing. But some tend to go overboard with it. Recently, a video surfaced on social media that shows a woman risking her life to clean the window of her apartment.

In the video, uploaded on Twitter, the woman is seen climbing out of a window of her house on the 4th floor and wiping the glass panels with a cloth. She can be seen standing on a narrow space of the window panel without any support.

Since being posted on the micro-blogging site, the video has garnered over 1 million views, and drawn varied reactions from twitter users. 

One of the user showing concern said the act could have proved to be fatal.

While another said “These stunts are performed by experts please don't try this at home.” 

One user raised concern and said, "Wonder if its the owner doing it herself or have they asked the poor help to risk her life for some poxy window cleaning."

Some also poked fun at the woman in the video.

A user wrote, "Iss lady ko khatron ke Khiladi ka host hona chahiye."

While another wrote, "Even after all this katron ke Khiladi cleaning still she will get the same soan papdi she gave away last year."