A video of a woman catching a snake with her bare hands in an office in the Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh has gone viral on social media. Ajita Pandey, a trained snake rescuer, shared the video on Instagram last week which went viral on microblogging site X, garnering millions of views.

In the video, it could be seen that Pandey entered the office as employees guided her to a snake hiding behind a pile of books and files on a desk. When she reached the desk where the snake was hiding a man said “Please be careful. It will jump”.

In the next moment, Pandey effortlessly grabbed the snake with her bare hands, making the task look like child's play. While holding the snake in one hand, Pandey adjusted her dupatta and opened a sack to place the snake inside.

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“This is a non-venomous snake. It probably slithered into this space to eat rats. Do not get scared,” she assured the employees, who were watching her catching in astonishment. “Didn’t it try to bite you,” Pandey was asked by the people present at the spot. “No, because you’ll did not disturb it,” she was also heard saying in the viral video.

With a big smile, Pandey walked out of the office with the snake in the sack and released it around the bushes where it couldn't harm somebody.

Netizens' Appricates Her Skills

The fascinated Internet users appreciated her skills over her “casual” approach of catching the snake. "Such a calm and composed demeanor. Haven't seen any female snake rescuers on social media before. Kudos to the lady," a netizen wrote.

The next netizen mentioned, "she must possess some sort of special hormone that causes snakes are afraid of biting her or afraid of her in general, otherwise how you can explain the behavior of the snake, not only trying hard to escape but also never have any intentions to attack her ."

Another said, "And the actual information she is putting upon! Awesome personality this lady is, beautiful soul'."