New Delhi: A video of an enraged woman in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, throwing fruits from a roadside vendor's cart to the ground after it allegedly brushed her car went viral on Tuesday. The district authority has ordered a probe into the incident, PTI reported.

Several social media users posted the video and voiced their displeasure at the woman's actions.

Avinash Lavania, the district collector of Bhopal, said an investigation had been launched.

"A video of Bhopal is going viral on social media in which a woman is seen throwing fruits on the ground from a hand-driven cart. The officials are directed to identify the woman and fruit vendor so that appropriate action can be ensured," the office of the Bhopal collector tweeted.

In the video, the woman is seen shouting at the fruit vendor and picking up papayas and throwing them on the ground. The fruit seller can be seen pleading before her to stop, but the woman continues to toss them on the ground.

The vendor can be heard pleading, "Madam, don't do this, I'm poor." He even says that he would compensate the damage done to the woman's car but in vain.

Some social media users claimed to have observed a sticker of a Bhopal-based private institution on the rear-window of the woman's car.