Smuggled gold weighing a total of 272.98 grams in the form of paste was seized at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad, said the customs department on Wednesday. Customs officials apprehended a woman from Sudan, who tried to conceal gold in rectum.

Taking to Twitter, Hyderabad Customs wrote, "The Hyderabad Customs has intercepted one female pax of Sudan national arriving from Dubai by flight EK 524, who is trying to smuggle the gold in paste form concealed in rectum."

The customs further revealed that the gold weighing a total of 272.98 gm valued at Rs 14,15,947 has been seized under section 110 of the Customs Act, 1962.

Also read | Five Sri Lankans Demand Gold Seized By Customs Back, Remain Docked At Chennai Airport For Six Days

Earlier in July, a total of up to 4 kg of smuggled gold was seized at Hyderabad airport in two different incidents. The Air Intelligence unit officials apprehended two male passengers who arrived in Hyderabad from Dubai, for attempting to smuggle 3.591 kg gold by concealing it in their undergarments and rectum. the value of the gold is estimated up Rs 1.9 crore.

In the same month, another passenger was nabbed while trying to hide the gold in an exhaust fan and electric juicer with the net weight of the gold being 740 grams, Customs informed. 

Also read | Paint On Pants? No, It's Gold. Smugglers Get Creative To Sneak Gold Into Kerala