A massive fire broke out at Ankura Hospital in the Gudimalkapur area in Telangana's Hyderabad. Fire tenders reached the spot to douse the blaze, news agency ANI reported citing an official. According to a report by Telangana today, no casualties were reported in the incident. The incident occurred at around 5:30 pm when a hoarding erected on the building caught fire, presumably due to a short circuit, the report mentioned. 

The hospital management promptly informed the police, who, in turn, alerted the fire department. Three fire-tender vehicles reached the spot and successfully brought the fire under control.

The incident led to panic in the vicinity, with people rushing to rescue patients. The police faced challenges in controlling onlookers, causing traffic slowdown on the stretch. As a precautionary measure, some relatives chose to shift patients to other nearby hospitals, fearing potential disruptions in the power supply at Ankura Hospital, Telangana Today reported.

The report cited a statement from the fire department as informing that the large hoarding caught fire on the G 9-storied building. The fire was contained to the external structure and did not spread inside the building.

"The hoarding material fell on the setbacks side of the building. It is only external fire which did not spread inside the building," explained an official from the fire department, as quoted by the report.

The hospital occupies the ground floor plus three additional floors of the building. Fire department personnel thoroughly checked all floors and confirmed that there were no injuries or loss of life as the fire did not extend inside the building, the report stated.

The management of Ankura Hospitals assured that all necessary precautions were taken to ensure the safety of patients and staff during the incident.

"The terrace outdoor lights caught fire due to a short circuit. The fire department was immediately informed, and the fire was brought under control promptly. There have been no casualties. We have taken all precautions to ensure the safety of patients and staff," stated the hospital in an official statement, as per the report.

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