Chennai: Telangana Martyrs’ Memorial will be the world’s largest seamless stainless structure, according to the designers. The designers said they started the structure installation in May and completed it in 6 months.

According to ANI, “Hyderabad | The new Telangana Martyrs’ Memorial, a Rs 179 crore project, soon to be unveiled will be the world’s largest seamless stainless steel structure.”

Muthuswami, Supervisor, Grankraft Industries LLC said, “This is one of the unique projects with seamless stainless steel. We followed the method as per the sequence of insulation. The metal comes from Dubai by ship. We started the installation in May & completed it in 6 months.” 

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The martyrs memorial designed on 85,000 sq ft of land is a massive egg-shaped mirror-finished structure on the Hussainsagar Lake’s banks in Hyderabad. The structure will also have a diya, a giant reddish-yellow flame, on top of it. The diya will have a museum, library, hall and a restaurant. 

The memorial is set up to highlight the struggle of martyrs to form Telangana. 

The artist who designed the 'diya with light' was Ramana Reddy, as per a report on The Hindu. Ramana who lived in Europe for 14 years wanted to design it to match international standards.

Ramana Reddy initially showed four designs to CM K Chandrashekar Rao and the CM reportedly chose the earthen lamp. 

Apart from Ramana, a team of 25 experts worked on the project. They have also ensured safety measures.

“A water fountain on top will add beauty to this sculpture. I feel proud and honoured to do my bit and contribute to this lifetime project,” Ramana told The Hindu.