A couple in Karimnagar was arrested for allegedly murdering their mentally ill daughter on Monday. Rajanna Sircilla Superintendent of Police Akhil Mahajan said, Chepyala Narsaiah (49) and his wife Yellavva (43) of Nerella murdered their daughter Priyanka (24) and claimed it was a natural death.
The woman had been suffering from a mental disorder for several years. Due to the recurrence of mental sickness, the woman was given treatment again and taken to a place of worship, but it was of no use.
The victim, identified as Priyanka (25), had been suffering from mental disorders. She underwent treatment in hospitals and temples, showing signs of improvement. Subsequently, she was married to Prudhvi from Dargapalli in Siddipet district. The couple has a 13-year-old son, and they have been residing in Saptagiri, Karimnagar, as per a report on Deccan Chronicle.
However, recently, her husband informed her parents that she had experienced a relapse and was causing disturbances in the family.
Following this, the parents once again took her to Buggarajeshwara Swamy temple and kept her there for three days. However, despite their efforts, her condition did not improve.
Frustrated and distressed, the parents devised a plan to end her life. Allegedly, they strangled her with a rope while she was asleep at their house on May 14, as stated by the police official. They then informed their son-in-law about her death and proceeded to conduct the funeral the next day.
In an attempt to cover up their crime, they falsely claimed that her death was the result of black magic cast by her mother-in-law.
The villagers grew suspicious of the woman's death and lodged a complaint with the police. Subsequently, during the investigation, the couple confessed to the crime.
Mahajan stated that the couple has been remanded to judicial custody, and further investigation is underway.