Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy launched two schemes on Saturday, part of the six Congress-promised 'guarantees'—free bus travel for women and a Rs 10 lakh health insurance for the poor. The launch coincided with Congress Parliamentary Party Chairperson Sonia Gandhi's birthday.
In the Legislative Assembly premises, Revanth Reddy inaugurated the schemes alongside Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, several ministers, AIMIM Pro Tem Speaker Akbaruddin Owaisi and other dignitaries.
During the event, the Chief Minister highlighted Sonia Gandhi's role in achieving the formation of Telangana, expressing the Congress government's commitment to making Telangana a state recognized for people's welfare and development through the implementation of the six poll 'guarantees' within 100 days.
He commemorated December 9 as a festive day for Telangana, marking the announcement of Telangana's formation by the then UPA government on December 9, 2009, according to a report on PTI.
It was Sonia Gandhi who made Telangana state a reality like a mother as per people's aspirations, he said.
Under the Rajiv Arogyasri health scheme, the poor would get financial health insurance coverage of Rs 10 lakh. Under the 'Mahalakshmi' scheme, women can travel free of cost in the state-run Road Transport Corporation (RTC) buses.
During the event, Revanth Reddy gave a cheque of Rs 2 crore to ace boxer Nikhat Zareen as an incentive. Following this, Nikhat Zareen thanked the government and said that it would help her to prepare for the Paris Olympics.
A resident of Nizamabad in Telangana, Nikhat Zareen said she would like to work hard and get a good name for the state.
Meanwhile, Telangana government is also preparing to release a white paper on state finances of the past 10 years to offer transparency to the public. The officials of the state have also been ordered to provide comprehensive information on budget allocations and expenditures for all departments covering the period from 2014 to 2023.