Following the replacement of Bandi Sanjay Kumar as the Telangana BJP president by Union Minister G Kishan Reddy, BJP MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar expressed his sentiments about the leadership transition, stating that "some chapters in our lives have to close without closure." Sanjay Kumar took to Twitter after the announcement of Reddy's appointment, conveying his gratitude and reflecting on his tenure.

In his tweet, Sanjay Kumar acknowledged that certain chapters in life come to an end without complete resolution. He requested blessings from his followers and expressed remorse if he unintentionally hurt anyone during his term. He expressed his contentment with not becoming a sad tale and expressed appreciation for the memorable moments shared with party members. Sanjay Kumar specifically mentioned the support he received during arrests, the solidarity shown during attacks, and the joy shared together.

The BJP MP extended his thanks to party workers for their unwavering support during their collective battle against Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao's regime. He emphasized their loyalty by stating, "Rain or shine, you were with me, for I am one among you and will always be so."

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Nizamabad MP D Arvind, in a conversation with reporters, expressed his gratitude to BJP President J P Nadda for appointing Kishan Reddy as the new Telangana president and Etala Rajender as the head of the Election Management Committee. Arvind conveyed confidence in the BJP's ability to secure power in Telangana under the leadership of Kishan Reddy.