Hyderabad: With third-wave scare being palpable, Omicron is rapidly growing in strength in Telangana. In the last 24 hours, 14 new Omicron cases have been recorded in the state taking the state's tally of Omicron cases to 38. 

Of the 14 fresh Omicron cases, 12 were among the passengers who returned from countries other than those listed as "at-risk". The rest of two passengers were from "at-risk" countries. The results of four samples, that were sent for genome sequencing, are yet to be revealed, according to a bulletin released on Wednesday by the state health department.

The overall number of Omicron cases among flyers from countries not considered "at-risk" has risen to 31. Six cases were reported among passengers from countries classified as "at risk."

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Since December 1, reportedly a total of 9,381 people have arrived at Hyderabad International Airport from ten "at-risk" nations. Of the total travellers 259 have arrived on Wednesday. Four of 259 passengers who arrived on Wednesday tested positive for Covid, and their samples were sent for genome sequencing, whose results are awaited.

According to a report in IANS, At Hyderabad International Airport, health officials have been conducting RT-PCR tests on 2% of travellers arriving from countries that are not considered "at risk." Even if they test positive for Covid, they are allowed to return home under the Centre's standards. On the other hand, their samples are being sent for genome sequencing. If they test positive for Omicron, the authorities will track them down using the address they provided at the airport.

In the last 24 hours, 37,353 Covid tests were conducted in Telangana. 182 new positive cases were reported in these samples. With this, 6,80,074 positive cases have been registered in the state so far. Meanwhile, 196 cases on Wednesday have been recovered, taking the recovery rate to 98.87 per cent, and 3,610 cases are being treated or isolated, According to a bulletin released by the state health department.