Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched a 'Call Before u Dig' (CBuD) app to aid excavation. The CBuD app will facilitate coordination between excavation agencies and underground utility owners to prevent damage to utilities due to digging. PM Modi also inaugurated the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Area Office and Innovation Centre in Delhi. 

What is 'Call Before u Dig' (CBuD) App

“Call Before u Dig” (CBuD) mobile application is an initiative of the Department of Telecommunications and aims to give excavating companies a point of contact where they can inquire about the presence of existing subsurface utilities prior to starting excavation work. Through the app, utility owners can also find out about impending work at a location.

According to GatiShakti Sanchar Portal, "Through CBuD mobile app, you as digger or digging agency can place enquiry to get the information about the Utility Agency having its underground utility assets existing in the area of proposed digging and details (Name, Mobile/Tele no., Email ID) of contact persons of Asset Owner(s) in that area."

CBuD allows users to know the contact details of the Asset Owner’s contact person for further coordination to safeguard the existing assets from any damages during digging activity.

Also Read: 'This decade is India's Techade': PM Modi Launches 'Call Before u Dig' App

Through the CBuD mobile app, SMS/Email/in-app alerts will be sent to the asset owner whenever any digger submits any query for digging activity. For any digging activity, the contact details (Name, Mobile/Tele no., Email ID) of the Asset Owner shall be shared with the digger.

Why CBuD App Is Needed

According to the Central government, the Call Before You Dig (CBuD) app is a tool envisaged for preventing damage to underlying assets like optical fibre cables, that occurs because of uncoordinated digging and excavation, leading to a loss of about Rs 3000 crore every year to the country. The mobile app CBuD will connect excavators and asset owners, so when there are planned excavations it will while ensuring the safety of underground assets.

PMO in a statement said, "CBuD, which illustrates the adoption of ‘Whole-of-government approach’ in the governance of the country, will benefit all stakeholders by improving ease of doing business. It will save potential business loss and minimise discomfort to the citizens due to reduced disruption in essential services like road, telecom, water, gas and electricity."