Twitter chief Elon Musk may soon increase the character limit of tweets from 280 characters to 1,000 characters, if his 'To-Do' list is to be believed. A user, in a tweet, gave an idea to Musk to expand the character limit of tweets to 1,000 to which Musk responded: "It’s on the todo list."
With various tweets coming from the 'chief twit' over the last few chaotic weeks, it seems a hike in the character limit of tweets is imminent. On November 27, when Musk shared pics of slides from a "company talk", a user suggested a 420-character limit for tweets. To this, Must responded, "Good idea."
One of the main distinctions between Twitter and other social media platforms has been character restriction. As per the report by Mashable, Twitter was referred to as a "microblogging service" primarily because of its character limit of 140 (for any tweet). In 2017, it eventually increased to 280 characters. The news of the increase in character limit was announced on its official blog.
The blog read: "Many people Tweeted the full 280 limits because it was new and novel, but soon after behavior normalized...We saw when people needed to use more than 140 characters, they Tweeted more easily and more often."
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Since he took control of the platform, Musk has reportedly shown enthusiasm for increasing the character limit multiple times, according to a Mashable report. Another person had previously suggested "getting rid of character limit" altogether.
The multibillionaire said, "Absolutely."
ALSO READ: Elon Musk To Publish ‘Twitter Files’ On Free Speech Suppression, Says Public Deserves To Know
Musk recently revealed a multi-coloured verification mechanism as yet another significant upgrade to the platform.
The former "Twitter Blue" service, which had to be discontinued days after its launch, owing to the expanding number of accounts mimicking well-known businesses and personalities while carrying the "verified" check, will be replaced by the three-colour scheme to differentiate among various entities.