Pavel Durov, the CEO of the widely used messaging platform Telegram, was detained by French authorities on Saturday evening at Le Bourget airport. Durov, who is often referred to as "Russia's Mark Zuckerberg," faces several allegations, including accusations of facilitating criminal activities through Telegram, which boasts around 900 million active users. Reports indicate that Durov was accompanied by a woman, reportedly his girlfriend, who was also arrested. This woman, identified as Juli Vavilova, is now a subject of speculation regarding the circumstances of Durov's arrest. There are rumours doing the rounds in the market, due to which many believe that Durov was honeytrapped into his arrest.

Online theories suggest that Vavilova might have been under surveillance or investigation, which inadvertently led to Durov's detention. It is also possible that she might have attracted unwanted attention to both herself and Durov, or that she was somehow involved in the events surrounding his arrest.

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Who Is This Mystery Woman? 

Juli Vavilova, a 24-year-old crypto coach and streamer based in Dubai, has garnered over 20,000 followers on Instagram. On her profile, she identifies as a gamer and lists her interests as "Gaming, crypto, languages, and mindset." Vavilova is proficient in four languages: English, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic.

Vavilova and Telegram CEO Pavel Durov have been seen together in several locations including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan, with photos of these travels featured prominently in her Instagram stories and highlights.

Their close association was notably highlighted when they arrived in Paris via a private jet, shortly before their arrest by French authorities. Although the exact details of their relationship are not fully known, their frequent joint appearances suggest a significant connection between them.

Her social media activity, particularly photos of her with Pavel Durov in Paris, has fueled speculation within the crypto community that she might have unintentionally or deliberately directed authorities to their whereabouts. Some theories suggest she could be connected to the events leading to Pavel's arrest, with conjectures ranging from her being a honeytrap to a potential Mossad agent.

Nonetheless, the exact nature of her role in the arrest remains unclear. According to AFP, her family and friends have been unable to reach her since the CEO's detention.