It is often seen that the battery life of smartphones starts becoming weaker in 6 months. Even after full charging, the battery does not last all day long. Not only that, by the end of a year, the problem increases substantially.

There are many reasons behind this which we either ignore or don't pay any attention to. In this report, here are the five important things that reduce the battery life of your smartphones faster.

Avoid overcharging
Avoid charging your mobile phone frequently, often people charge the phone even when they have 40 to 50 percent battery, which is not correct practice at all. Charge the phone only when the battery is 30 per cent remaining and also make sure that you never charge the phone 100 per cent, charge only up to 90 per cent, which increases the battery life.

Often people keep the screen brightness on their smartphones to the maximum, causing the phone's battery to go down faster. If you want the phone's battery to last for a long time, you should either keep it on auto mode or keep it low. This will ensure that the battery doesn't drain sooner. 

Many Tabs On Browser
Often in our smartphone's browser, we open many tabs and forget to close them. In this case, the open tabs in the background increase the battery load and the battery starts running out faster. Turn off these tabs after using them if you want to extend the battery life.

Vibration mode
People often keep their mobile phones on vibration mode for a long time which causes their phone's battery to run out quickly. The vibration that occurs while touching the phone or pressing a button can also be turned off because it can also affect the battery's health.

Fake charger
Always charge the phone with its own charger. Charging a phone with someone else's phone charger can spoil your phone. Not only that, but the use of fake chargers can also prove to be detrimental to battery life.

Keeping mobile phone data on always
Keeping mobile phone data on at all the time increases battery consumption as 'Auto-sync on' keeps the email folder updated in the phone all the time, which also increases battery load.