New Delhi: American multinational company Qualcomm, which manufactures semiconductors and other tech products, recently unveiled its latest flagship System-On-Chip (SOC), the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset for 2022 flagship smartphones, at the Snapdragon Tech Summit. Though the new chipset appears to be more than 10 per cent faster compared to its predecessor, the Snapdragon 888, in single- and multi-core performance, it is causing overheating issues in the Moto Edge X30 smartphone, according to reliable tipster Ice Universe. The new processor, built on the industry-leading 4 nm process technology, is powered by the ARMv9 architecture, which is the first new ARM architecture in a decade, and will form the leading edge of the next 300 billion Arm-based chips. Due to the new architecture, it was believed that the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset will not have overheating issues like the Snapdragon 888.
Ice Universe, in a tweet, suggested that the overheating problems in Qualcomm flagship still persist. The tipster wrote that the "extreme test of Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 is very hot" in Moto phones. He referred to the recently launched Moto Edge X30. The chipset might have produced some extreme thermal throttling issues.
Since Moto Edge X30 is facing such thermal throttling issues, it casts doubt on the future of other smartphones that are slated for launch with the same processor over the next few months. Snapdragon 888, and its overlocked version, the Snapdragon 888+, have been designed using the 5nm fabrication process, and exhibit heating issues. Though new chipset has been manufactured on a smaller 4nm node, and is shrunk, the changes do not help with the cooling if one runs high intensive tasks on it.
Several Android flagship smartphones have faced such thermal throttling issues of late. The reason behind this is that Android OEMs are trying to keep their devices as sleek as possible, and are cramming the processors and other parts of a smartphone. Both Qualcomm and Android manufacturers are expected to look upon the issues and provide better thermal management in all of their upcoming smartphones.