New Delhi: Apple has released the latest update to its iOS, the iOS 15.2 on December 13 and the update brings in with it new features like MacroControl for the iPhone 13 and a new Apple Music tier for all the iPhone users as well as an opt-in App Privacy Report and Apple Music Voice Plan.

According to official Apple changelogs, the opt-in App Privacy Report in Settings lets users see how often apps have accessed their location, photos, camera, microphone, contacts and more during the last seven days, as well as their network activity.

Here’s a look at all the new updates and features in the iOS 15.2.

App Privacy Report 

One of the important features of iOS 15.2 is the App Privacy Report. This report will help the users in determining the control to access their data. Like the weekly Screen Time Report, the App Privacy Report will show data and sensors that each app can access, network activity for those apps and other privacy-related data.

Wording for the iCloud Private Relay Setting has also been changed in this version. The option will now be available under Cellular and Wi-Fi Settings as Limit IP Address Tracking. There is no functional change here.

Apple Music Voice Plan

A new subscription tier for Apple Music has been added with the new iOS update. The Voice plan tier cuts the subscription rate to $5 per month. Spatial audio and lyrics feature will not be available but users will have access to full Apple Music Catalog.

A new feature ‘Play It Again’ has also been added which lets the user view their recently played tracks. 

Apple Music Playlist Search

The new iOS update lets the user search within a playlist in Apple Music. Go to a playlist and swipe down from the top of your screen to reveal the search bar above your playlist image.

Communication Safety Settings

Apple has incorporated the Message setting in this new update. This will let the parents flag warnings for children if they receive or send photos containing nudity. The warning would also show children resources when they would receive any such obscene message. 

Macro Control for Photos

iPhone 13 Pro or Max users will now be able to use the ultra wide lens on these models to capture close-up photos and videos in the iOS 15.2. To enable this feature, go to Settings of your iPhone and select Camera. Under this menu there will be toggle marked Macro Control. When the toggle is switched on, there will be a flower icon visible on the screen while taking a picture. By tapping the flower icon when close to an object, the Macro mode will be activated. 

Detailed Apple Maps 

Bike lanes, turn lanes, medians and pedestrian crosswalks will be now visible in Apple Maps in supported cities. 

Find My Feature update

The updated Find My feature in iOS 15.2 will allow the user to scan for “Items That Can Track Me” which identifies nearby items such as AirTags which can send location data. The user can disable the tracking feature on any devices found.

Parts And Service History 

The new iOS update lets the user view the repair history of their iPhone by going to Settings > General > About > Parts and Services. This feature would not display if the iPhone has not been taken in for servicing.

Other Features 

The second version of iOS 15.2 beta lets the user designate Legacy Contacts. The person designated as Legacy Contacts will have the access to iCloud account and personal information after the user's death. 

Subscribers of iCloudPlus will also be able to use Apple’s Hide My Email feature from the Mail App instead of navigating in and out. 

How to download iOS 15.2 update

To download the latest update, go to Settings > Select the General menu from the settings and go to the Software > Now select Download and Install > Restart your iPhone after the update downloads and then start the installation. After the iPhone restarts, it will work on the updated iOS version.