Four in 5 professionals in India are considering changing their jobs in 2023 and this sentiment is largely led by Gen Z, with 88 per cent of professionals aged 18-24 considering a switch, a new report by LinkedIn said on Wednesday. According to Microsoft-owned LinkedIn’s economic graph data, hiring levels in India were 23 per cent slower in December 2022 as compared to the same period in the previous year. Despite this, the latest research by LinkedIn reveals that the Indian workforce appears resilient in the face of economic uncertainty, with 80 per cent of professionals considering changing jobs in 2023.

These findings are a part of LinkedIn’s annual jobseeker consumer research conducted with Censuswide and based on 2007 workers aged more than 18 between November 30-December 2, 2022.

LinkedIn’s latest report also spotlights the top fifteen jobs to look out for this year, the "Workforce Confidence Index" which shows how professionals are preparing for an economic downturn. This sentiment is largely led by Gen Z, with 88 per cent of professionals aged 18-24 considering a switch, compared to 64 per cent of those aged 45-54.

“Despite tough economic conditions, the Indian workforce is relying on their own abilities to grow and push forward. Since the pandemic, it’s clear that professionals have built up a bank of resilience, and we’re seeing this in their response to tackle the year ahead. They are striving for the ideal role that offers the right wage, and allows for appreciable work-life balance and flexibility," Nirajita Banerjee, LinkedIn Career Expert and Head of Editorial for LinkedIn India, said in a statement.

"We have seen a 43 per cent year-on-year increase in members adding skills to their LinkedIn profile - 365 million have been added in the last 12 months. This is a smart way to secure a sustainable and successful career.”

The report highlighted that professionals in India are motivated by different reasons when seeking a job. The rising cost of living pressures and the need for financial security is one of the major factors that are pushing 35 per cent of workers to look for a new job as they want more money. A similar proportion (33 per cent) is also keen on switching to roles that offer better work-life balance (33 per cent). Meanwhile, 1 in 3 (32 per cent) respondents said they also feel more confident in their abilities and think they can find a better role.