New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's YouTube channel has crossed 1 crore subscribers, thus, making him the most followed on the Google-owned video streaming platform, among global leaders. After Modi, Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro, with a total of 36 lakh subscribers, is the second after the PM on the list of global leaders with the highest subscriptions on their YouTube channel.

It should be noted that PM Modi has a significant presence on social media with a huge following across various platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. He is very active on both the social networking platforms. PM Modi has the highest followers in terms of YouTube subscriptions as compared to many national leaders as well.

The list of global leaders with high followers on YouTube also includes US President Joe Biden with over seven lakh followers on YouTube, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro with over 36 lakh followers, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador with 30.7 lakh followers, Indonesian President Joko Widodo with 28.8 lakh followers. In the decreasing trend, the White House has 19 lakh followers.

Talking about the national leaders, former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi has 5.25 lakh followers on YouTube. Another politician who is also popular on social media platforms, with 4.39 lakh followers is Shashi Tharoor. Meanwhile, Delhi's Deputy CM and AAP leader Manish Sisodia has 1.37 lakh followers on YouTube whereas DMK chief MK Stalin has 2.12 lakh subscribers on the platform.