NordVPN, one of the leading VPN service providers that recently pulled its servers from India over the new logging and storage requirement under the new government mandate has introduced Meshnet, which the company calls an encrypted private network solution. According to NordVPN, users should take Meshnet as a "decentralised or DIY virtual private network" that they create using the NordVPN app and the private devices of NordVPN users they "trust".

Meshnet would work by users forming encrypted connections with devices that they own instead of connecting to a server managed and configured by the company itself. Meshnet works as a virtual Local Area Network (LAN), so users can play multiplayer games with their friends without needing any LAN cables.

"Once you route your traffic through a Meshnet device, your traffic will be encrypted just like it is when connected to a NordVPN server, but instead of getting a NordVPN server IP address, you’ll have the IP address of the device you’re routing your traffic through," NordVPN said in a statement.

Earlier in May, India's nodal agency CERT-In that deals with cyber security threats, hacking and phishing asked VPN service providers in the country to collect and store extensive user data for at least five years, citing objectives like fighting cybercrime and invoking the country's integrity and sovereignty. The new CERT-In rules come into effect later this month.

When ABP Live had spoken to NordVPN, the company said the directive will hurt VPN companies in the country to some extent. NordVPN had also mentioned that it intends to have a dialogue with the government for a "middle ground". 

The two other VPN firms that have pulled their India servers include Surfshark and ExpressVPN after the government mandate. Surfshark’s physical servers in India will be shut down before the new mandate by CERT-In comes into effect later this month, the company had informed earlier this month. Up until then, users will be able to connect to servers in India as usual.

"After the new regulations come into effect, we’ll introduce our virtual Indian servers -- which will be physically located in Singapore and London. Users will be able to find them in our regular list of servers," the company had said.