More than half of the total web traffic or about 59 per cent was generated by mobile phones last year -- almost 10 per cent more than in 2021, a new report said on Monday. Devices other than mobile phones, such as gaming consoles, made only 0.02 per cent of web traffic last year, 33 per cent less than a year before. Mobile internet traffic has almost doubled in the last eight years, with close to two-thirds of web traffic coming from mobile devices only, as per data presented by

Almost 7.4 billion people, or over 90 per cent of the world's population, own a mobile phone. This massive user base has aided mobile phones in becoming the most popular device for accessing the internet, with its share of web traffic increasing year after year, the report noted.

Moreover, as the mobile's share of web traffic continued rising, laptops, PCs, and tablets saw their shares plunge in 2022. According to the statistics, laptops and PCs made 38.9 per cent of total web traffic last year, or 10.4 per cent less than in 2021, while, tablets saw an even worse downturn, with their share plunging by 19.8 per cent year-over-year (YoY) to 1.98 per cent.

The report further mentioned that Belgium, Norway and Denmark have the smallest shares of mobile web traffic. Even though global mobile traffic accounts for 59 per cent of all web traffic, there are significant differences between regions and countries, it said.

According to the Global 2023 Global Overview Report, Vietnam had the highest share of mobile internet traffic in 2022, accounting for 86.6 per cent, while Turkey and Nigeria came in second and third, with 84.9 per cent and 83.6 per cent, respectively. The US, UK, Germany, and France were all below the global average, with shares ranging from 46 per cent to 50 per cent, according to the report. Mobile phones, on the other hand, were the least used for web browsing in Denmark and Norway, where they accounted for 32.9 per cent and 34.8 per cent of total web traffic, respectively.