Social networking giant Meta-owned WhatsApp has denied exploring adding ads to chats, in a bid to monetise the platform after a report by Financial Times said, citing three people familiar with the matter, that the firm is in the early stages of discussing whether advertisements should be shown on the platform. However, Will Cathcart, head of WhatsApp at Meta posted on X, formerly Twitter that the story is "false".
The social networking giant has been trying to increase its revenue. The FT report added that the company has not taken any decision on introducing ads to the platform. Furthermore, the report said that Meta is mulling to explore if it can charge a subscription fee to keep the world's most popular messaging app ad-free.
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It is pertinent to note that when Facebook acquired WhatsApp in 2014, its co-founder Brian Acton had made “No ads! No games! No gimmicks!” a company mantra.