Elon Musk, boss of X, formerly Twitter, has announced that long-form posts on the platform have hit 3 billion views per day and the numbers are rising. The tech billionaire and SpaceX owner further compared the views of long-form posts on X with all newspaper articles viewed on Earth.
"This is roughly on par with all newspaper article views on Earth," Musk noted.
The announcement got a mixed response from X users with some commenting that "this is a way of encouraging more people to write long posts" on the micro-blogging platform. Interestingly, a lot of responses to Musk's post were in Hindi, which means the long-format posts on the platform are gaining attention from Indian users. A user with a paid Blue tick went on to reply in Hindi: "We Indians have contributed the most to this, otherwise, you would have gone bankrupt by paying for X's expensive paid subscription.
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X's boss has been open to increasing the character count for using the platform. He initially raised the limit to 4,000 characters and then increased it to 10,000 for Twitter Blue premium users. Earlier in June, Blue subscribers got the ability to post longer tweets after the company increased the character count for a tweet to 25,000. It should be noted that the character limit has been increased only for paid Twitter users.
Soon after taking over X, the tech billionaire had said that the platform would allow users to monetise written content and soon, Twitter Blue paid subscription was announced.
Much like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and other social networking apps, users on the micro-blogging platform would be able to make video chat calls as X shifts to become an "everything app". The company CEO was quoted as saying that video calls on the platform would become available without sharing phone numbers on X.