Instagram has been facing challenges related to the abundance of reposted content from aggregator accounts in users' feeds. To tackle this issue, Instagram is set to introduce a new algorithm aimed at highlighting original content from creators with smaller audiences while decreasing the prominence of reposts. These forthcoming changes will exclude reposted content from recommendations.

As per reports from PC MAG, Instagram's current content ranking system has favoured reposted content shared by accounts with significant followings, giving them more visibility in recommendations compared to smaller creators who share original content. This dynamic has resulted in original content creators losing out on reach as their content gets overshadowed by reposted material from larger accounts.

Instagram added, “We think it’s important to correct this to give all creators a more equal chance of breaking through to new audiences.”

What's The Strategy Behind This Move?

Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, unveiled these modifications with the goal of providing every creator with an equitable opportunity to gain popularity on the platform. The strategy involves initially showcasing videos to a limited audience and then amplifying the reach of the most successful reels to a wider audience.

Mosseri emphasised their efforts to address aggregator content, noting that when the platform detects multiple identical pieces of content in recommendations, it will prioritise showcasing the original source. Additionally, Instagram plans to include a label on reposted content, linking it back to the original post to ensure proper attribution.

He added, “Secondly, we’re going to remove aggregators from recommendations if they repeatedly share unoriginal content that they didn’t enhance. To aggregator accounts out there, I recommend looking for ways to make content your own so you can continue to be recommended to people who don’t follow you.”

Who Will It Affect & When Will It Be Implemented?

The update is directed towards accounts that repost content more than ten times within a 30-day period without significant modification or creation. Aggregator accounts may regain eligibility for recommendations after a 30-day period if they cease posting unoriginal content. Notably, this algorithm adjustment will not impact "a set of publishers" recognized by the platform, who have permissions for resharing or licensing agreements with content creators.

These algorithm updates are set to be implemented in the upcoming months. The new regulations aim to make content from smaller creators more visible while also improving Instagram's user experience by prioritizing posts from original content creators. This change will prevent feed inundation with reposted content from aggregator accounts.