Google Doodle Contest: India is celebrating 75 years of its independence. On August 15, 1947, India became independent, ending nearly 200 years of British rule. In a quarter century from now, the country will be 100 years old, and people from all walks of life have a certain vision and expection about how India will grow and appear 25 years from now. On the occasion, search engine giant Google has announced a doodle contest for schoolchildren, inviting them to create a doodle on the theme, “In 25 years, my India will...”.

"Just like you, India is growing bigger and brighter every day," Google said in a message to children, adding: "So our theme this year invites you to tell us what India will look like in the next 25 years. Your hopes and dreams can help shape the nation’s future."

Asking childen to imagine what they want to see in future, whether it's a space station on Mars or something they would invent for the country, the note said: "As you grow, India grows with you. Your hopes and dreams can help shape the nation’s future. So what would you like to see India achieve in the next 25 years?" 

The contest is open, and entries will be accepted until 9 pm on September 30.

How To Participate In Google Doodle Contest

Entries for the doodle contest are to be sent by a parent, guardian or teacher of a child studying in a school or noprofit. To enter a doodle, a form needs to be filled with all details about the student (name, class group, city/town/village etc) and that the school/nonptofit. Doodles can be created directly on the form or on a separate sheet of paper, using any materials of choice. Multiple entries can be sent. 

While the entries are recommended to be submitted online, they can be sent via postal mail also.

Those sending by postal mail need to take a printout of the form and carefuly attach the doodles it to it with glue or clear tape, and send it to the address given on the website. All entries need a title and a description, and a signature from parent/guardian.

Those sending the entries online must take a high resolution photo of the doodles in good lighting, and the file should in .png or .jpeg format.

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