Google DeepMind is facing a serious internal unrest situation as over 100 of its employees have issued an open letter against the company's contracts with military organisations. According to a report by the Time Magazine, a letter, dated May 16, 2024, expressed serious concerns regarding the use of DeepMind's AI technology for warfare purposes. These contracts might potentially be violating Google's own AI principles, according to the report.

The open letter specifically talked about one of Google's defence contract with the Israeli military, which is known as Project Nimbus. Another thing that the letter focuses on is the use of AI for mass surveillance and target selection in Gaza. The signatories of the open letter emphasised that their concerns were primarily about upholding the ethical practices of AI. As per the Time Magazine report, the letter read, "Any involvement with military and weapon manufacturing impacts our position as leaders in ethical and responsible AI, and goes against our mission statement and stated AI Principles."

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How Does This Go Against Google's Own AI Principles?

When Google purchased DeepMind in 2014, it assured that the lab's technology would be used exclusively for non-military and non-surveillance purposes. DeepMind’s AI principles explicitly forbid the development of technologies that could cause "overall harm" or contribute to weaponry and harmful tech. However, as DeepMind’s integration with Google’s main operations has deepened, this boundary has become increasingly blurred.

A recent letter urges DeepMind's leadership to probe allegations of military use of Google Cloud services, revoke military access to DeepMind's technology, and establish a new governance framework to ensure future technologies are not used for military purposes. As of August 2024, Google has yet to provide a significant response to these concerns, according to Time.

The Time Magazine quoted a Google DeepMind employee as saying, "We have received no meaningful response from leadership, and we are growing increasingly frustrated."

On the other hand, a Google spokesperson defended the company's practices, and said, "When developing AI technologies and making them available to customers, we comply with our AI Principles, which outline our commitment to developing technology responsibly."

This internal disagreement comes on the heels of earlier protests against Project Nimbus, which led to Google terminating dozens of employees earlier this year.