New Delhi: WhatsApp users put their status on the app about their daily life and also see other's status. Sometimes it happens that we want to see someone's status, but don't want the other one to know if we've seen his status or not. Today we will tell you a trick that allows you to see anyone's status without knowing user. Let's know how.

How to Turn off these features : 

Step 1: To turn off Blue Tick, go to WhatsApp's Settings.
Step 2: Now, go to Account.
Step 3: Here in Privacy, you will get the option of Read Receipts.
Step 4: Now, turn off this option. After this, the Blue Tick feature will be turned off.

After this feature is turned off, you can see anyone's status, your name will not appear in Seen. And also, as you will turn off this feature, no one will be able to find out that if you have read their message on chat box or not. 

How to read WhatsApp messages without opening a chat box

  • To read WhatsApp message, first go to the home screen of the phone and long press the multitasking option here. 

  • Now you'll see some new options here, select the Widgets option. 

  • Here, you will see shortcuts of different apps. 

  • Of these, you have to search for WhatsApp shortcuts. 

  • Now you can drag WhatsApp shortcuts and keep them anywhere. 

  • After doing so, you will able to see any new messages without opening. 

  • But if you click on any message, you'll go directly to WhatsApp chat.