Xiaomi India on Tuesday joined hands with YouTube to offer free trials of YouTube Premium to eligible users on select smartphone models and the eligible models include the recently launched flagship Xiaomi 12 Pro, the Xiaomi 11i, the Xiaomi 11i HyperCharge and Xiaomi 11T Pro. These three models are eligible for a three-month YouTube Premium extended trial, according to Xiaomi.

The newly launched Xiaomi Pad 5, the Redmi Note 11, the Redmi Note 11T, the Redmi Note 11 Pro+, the Redmi Note 11 Pro and the Redmi Note 11S are eligible for a two-month YouTube Premium extended trial.

"With content consumption on rise with each passing day, we believe that consumers want to experience quality content in an uninterrupted manner. We are happy to partner with YouTube and offer Xiaomi consumers an opportunity to watch their favourite content without any hindrance. We are hopeful that this will be the beginning of a long-standing relationship between YouTube and Xiaomi that will ultimately benefit our users," Anuj Sharma, Chief Marketing Officer, Xiaomi India, said in a statement.

Eligible device owners can redeem the YouTube Premium offer on the mentioned Xiaomi and Redmi smartphones starting June 6 which will be valid till January 31 next year. Users can redeem the offer by opening the preloaded YouTube app, and following the instructions or by visiting youtube.com/premium. The offer will be available on devices that have been activated after February 1, 2022.

Meanwhile, earlier in May, the handset maker announced its partnership with German camera-making giant Leica, becoming the third smartphone OEM to join hands with the company after Huawei and Sharp. The first handset from the Xiaomi-Leica partnership will be officially unveiled next month.