New Delhi: Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 will be launching in India next week at a starting price of Rs 60,000. The pricier model in the Tab S8 lineup, the Galaxy S8 Ultra is likely to cost Rs 1,20,000 in the country, the media has reported. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 series will include three models: the Galaxy Tab S8, the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, and the Galaxy Tab S8+.

In terms of specs, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+ comes with a 12.4-inch WQXGA+ (2,800x1,752 pixels) Super AMOLED display with 266ppi pixel density up to 120Hz refresh rate. The tablet is powered by an octa-core chip, along with up to 12GB of RAM. It comes with the same dual rear camera setup as the Galaxy Tab S8. For video chats, Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+ features a 12MP ultra-wide camera at the front.

Samsung's Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra tablet is the biggest-ever display on a Samsung tab and also promises to deliver the most powerful performance. According to Samsung, the Galaxy Tab S8 series offers you the freedom and flexibility you deserve to work and play anywhere like never before.

“As we rely more on videos to stay connected and entertained, we know that a tablet’s most compelling feature is its large screen and portability,” TM Roh, President & Head of MX Business at Samsung Electronics, had earlier said in a statement.

“We built on years of innovation in mobile experiences to refine the Galaxy Tab S8 series, and to push the boundaries of what’s possible on a tablet with the first Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra.”

The Galaxy Tab S8 series is also the first Samsung tablet to support Wi-Fi 6E, which provides up to double the bandwidth and maximum speed of Wi-Fi 6.