Samsung has reportedly delayed the launch of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Pro after detecting quality control issues. The consumers who were waiting eagerly for these buds to hit the shelves will have to wait a bit longer than expected. The South Korean smartphone manufacturer did not explain what the issue was when it confirmed the delay. A report by the CNET quoted Samsung representatives as saying, "We are taking this matter very seriously and remain committed to meeting the highest quality standards of our products."
The smartphone maker is expected to launch the Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Pro by the end of August, reported Android Authority.
What Is The Issue & Samsung's History With Quality Control
According to Android Authority, one of the issues reported is that the ear tips of Samsung's Galaxy Buds 3 Pro could tear. This isn't the first time Samsung has faced quality problems shortly before or after launching a product. In 2016, Samsung had to recall its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones twice due to faulty batteries. Three years later, issues before the launch of Samsung's first foldable smartphone, the Galaxy Fold, caused significant delays.
Samsung isn't alone in dealing with quality control challenges. Manufacturing and assembling millions of products is very complex. In the tech industry, especially with mobile devices, creating a product often involves multiple rounds of designing and testing both hardware and software. Companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook have invested heavily in research and development, including specialized labs for testing everything from screen quality and wireless signals to durability and usability.
Usually, these efforts catch problems before products reach consumers, but issues can still arise. Despite concerns, Samsung plans to launch its Galaxy Buds 3 as scheduled on July 24, alongside other new products like the Galaxy Z Fold 6 tablet, Galaxy Z Flip 6 smartphone, and Galaxy Ring sensor. The Galaxy Buds 3 Pro are expected to follow by August 28.