New Delhi: Wearables maker Pebble on Wednesday launched its Pebble Cosmos Luxe smartwatch in India. The device will be available for a limited period of time exclusively on e-commerce site Flipkart. The Pebble Cosmos Luxe comes with a round dial, Bluetooth calling and AI voice search among other features. This budget smartwatch will compete with the likes of Amazfit Bip U, the Realme Watch 2 and Noise ColorFit Icon Buzz among others.
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The smartwatch is available at a price tag of Rs 3,999 on Flipkart. The device is available in three colourways: Space Black, Midnight Gold and Ivory Gold.
The Pebble Cosmos Luxe has an AMOLED display with Always-On feature and a 1.36-inch round dial. The screen has a peak brightness of 600 Nits. Other features of the Pebble Cosmos Luxe include weather forecast and music control.
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“With our latest launch in the Cosmos series, we wanted to make sure that best-in-class technology is paired with a premium aesthetic to make the ultimate lifestyle smartwatch. The Pebble Cosmos Luxe pairs stunning looks with cutting-edge tech features. It oozes style and luxury, and will not look out of place when you dress up for those special occasions," Komal Agarwal, co-founder, Pebble, said in a statement.
"You can make the watch your own because it comes in four colour options, has 10 inbuilt watch faces and also 50 in-app ones. It has a battery that lasts 5-7 days, so you don’t have to recharge it everyday and has push notifications to help you stay updated even though your phone may be in your pocket or bag.” The Pebble Cosmos Luxe also has features such as multiple sports modes, music playback control, message push/notifications, alarms and more," Agarwal added.
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Earler in April, the wearables maker had unveiled the Pebble Cosmos Pro and Pebble Leap smartwatches in the country for Rs 3,499 and Rs 3,999, respectively. While the Pebble Cosmos Pro comes with a 1.7-inch curved HD display, the Pebble Leap is a sturdy round-dial watch. Both the smartwatches feature dedicated dual sensors for SpO2 as well as heart rate tracking.