New Delhi: Samsung captured more than 70 per cent of the premium smartphone market share in the month of March, courtesy of the robust sales of the super-premium Galaxy S22 Ultra which falls in the price segment of Rs 1,09,999-Rs 1,34,999. The Galaxy S22 Ultra alone accounted for 74 per cent of the company's sales volumes out of the company's 81 per cent share, according to Counterpoint Research. The Galaxy S22 Ultra rivals the likes of the Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max in the Rs 1 lakh and above category.
Talking to ABP Live, Aditya Babbar, Senior Director & Head of Product Marketing, Samsung India said that there was a healthy demand for the new Galaxy S22 series from the tier 2 and 3 cities and there was an unprecedented demand for the Galaxy S22 Ultra that helped catapult the brand to the top position in the Rs 1 lakh+ price segment in the world's second-biggest smartphone market in the month of March.
"The Galaxy S22 series has really helped us to consolidate our leadership and it has come on account of a very important strategy which I call a '3 E', which is about expansion, experience and extraction. We made sure of the availability of phones at multiple touch-points -- we went up to 10,000 plus touch-points where consumers can buy the 22, even in tier 2 and tier 3 cities," Babbar explained.
"I visited markets a year and a half back and I used to interact with people and the aspirations (to buy premium devices) were always very high. But, they were not able to experience the device and most of the time they would have come to a bigger town," Babbar added.
Apart from consolidating its overall mobile business leadership in March, the company also led the smartwatch and tablet businesses in the country. According to syndicated data, the tech major had 73 per cent volume market share in the smartwatch segment and 47 per cent volume market share in the tablet business in the month of March.