Handset maker Oppo on Thursday unveiled the global version of its operating system ColorOS 13 based on Android 13 that comes with an Aquamorphic design with a user-friendly UI and it is pretty much similar to OnePlus' Android 13 skin. According to Oppo, ColorOS 13 has tech innovations and new features for smart multi-device connections to enhance user productivity. ColorOS 13 will be available in India first on the Oppo Reno 8 Pro 5G from September and the Oppo Reno 8 5G from October.
What is Aquamorphic design in ColorOS?
ColorOS 13 is inspired by water’s fluidity, says Oppo and has vibrant and inclusive UI features with a new theme palette inspired by the changing colour of light between sunrise and sunset at sea level along with the new system font that improves the readability of the system text in any language. With other upgrades like a Card-styled Layout, ColorOS 13 is designed to deliver a seamless visual experience based on Aquamorphic design.
New series of Always-On Display images
ColorOS 13 also promises an intuitive user experience by integrating different Aquamorphic effects into system animations, UI and its Quantum Animation Engine. With ColorsOS 13 comes a new series of Always-On Display images called “Homeland” that depicts powerful scenes of wild animals in nature. The Always-On Display animations reveal changes in the homes where animals live. These animations are based on daily temperature changes that will help users pay attention to climate change and the earth we live on, Oppo noted.
ColorOS 13 also marks the debut of the Dynamic Computing Engine which are new system-level technical solutions developed in-house to deliver a smoother and more stable user experience. The engine brings two significant improvements to ColorOS 13: increased battery life and the ability to keep more apps open in the background.
The Dynamic Computing Engine improves the scheduling of hardware resources to extend battery life by achieving a better balance between high performance and low power consumption. It also helps to keep more apps alive in the background, making it possible to switch between multiple apps without experiencing lag while switching.
Oppo has also partnered with world-leading software and service providers, including Bitmoji, Spotify, Swiggy and Zomato to provide a wide range of convenient and personalised experiences through the Smart Always-On Display.