In a bid to strengthen its retail footprint across the country, Taiwanese tech giant Asus on Thursday opened three exclusive stores in the southern Indian city of Bengaluru. The new exclusive stores will house an extensive range of electronics and computer hardware, including Asus flagship products such as VivoBook, ZenBook, Zenbook-Flip, Republic of Gamers (ROG) laptops and accessories.

There are a total of 7 Asus exclusive stores and 1 ROG store in Bengaluru and 16 exclusive stores in the state of Karnataka.

The Asus exclusive stores were inaugurated by Eric Ou, Asus India’s new Country Head along with Arnold Su, Vice President – PC and Gaming Business, Asus India.

The new stores will also have innovative demo zones to offer prospective buyers a premium experience and service. They will create an interactive journey for the consumers by providing them with a first-hand feel of some of the most advanced brand’s latest gaming and lifestyle products, ranging across PCs, desktops and a range of accessories.

Expanding in the retail space is recently getting attention from other tech giants like Apple and Samsung too. To recall, Cupertino, California-based Apple began a new chapter in India by opening two official stores in Mumbai and Delhi last month.

The opening of Apple's first retail stores in India comes amid the tech giant's broader retail push into the country, where its market share is relatively low. The duo of Apple Stores have a tie-up with the Apple India Online Store, thus, allowing buyers to make a purchase and pick that order from Apple BKC or Apple Saket.

South Korean tech giant Samsung inaugurated its biggest store in India in New Delhi's Connaught Place earlier in January. The brick-and-mortar store is the first one from the tech giant in north India and will house smartphones, smartwatches, TWS earbuds, accessories, tablets as well as appliances.