New Delhi: Days after the food poisoning incident at Apple supplier Foxconn's unit on the outskirts of Chennai, the iPhone maker on Wednesday said some of the remote dormitory accommodations and dining rooms being used for employees did not meet required standards. In a bid to make sure that standards are met, Apple has also placed Foxconn’s Sriperumbudur unit on probation before the facility reopens.

"We hold our suppliers accountable to the highest standards in the industry and regularly conduct assessments to ensure compliance. Following recent concerns about food safety and accommodation conditions at Foxconn Sriperumbudur, we dispatched independent auditors to undertake additional detailed assessments. We found that some of the remote dormitory accommodations and dining rooms being used for employees do not meet our requirements and we are working with the supplier to ensure a comprehensive set of corrective actions are rapidly implemented," an Apple spokesperson told ABP Live in a statement.

More than 150 employees working at iPhone supplier Foxconn's unit had fallen sick and were hospitalised while and 256 others were treated as out-patients for food poisoning.

"Foxconn’s Sriperumbudur facility has been placed on probation and we will ensure our strict standards are met before the facility reopens. We will continue to monitor conditions closely," the Apple spokesperson added.

Foxconn, which is a contract assembler for Apple in India and other countries also said that some of the offsite dormitory facilities at Sriperumbudur facility in Tamil Nadu do not meet the required standards.

“The safety and well being of our employees is our top priority. We have been investigating recent issues at our Sriperumbudur facility in Tamil Nadu and have found that some offsite dormitory facilities do not meet the required standards. We are very sorry for the issue our employees experienced and are taking immediate steps to enhance the facilities and services we provide at the remote dormitory accommodations," a Foxconn spokesperson said. 

Foxconn is also restructuring its local management team and its management systems to ensure it can achieve and maintain the standards that are needed.

"All employees will continue to be paid while we make the necessary improvements before restarting our operations and we will continue to provide support for our employees as they return to work," the Foxconn spokesperson added.

Around 14,000 men and women are employed at the Foxconn Technology on the outskirts of Chennai unit that makes electronic components, iPhones for Apple and others. It should be noted that following the trade war between the US and China, countries like India, Vietnam and Mexico are becoming increasingly important for contract manufacturers like Foxconn that supply American brands.