The maps that provide us with directions to our destination, the autocorrect tools that correct spelling errors in our text, or the voice assistants that fulfil our commands, all these artificial intelligence (AI)-based solutions are transforming our lives for the better. Over the course of time, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence is increasing rapidly. While the pandemic was the driving factor for businesses to adopt the technology, with technological advancements, AI has become all the more accessible for businesses. Today, 35 per cent of businesses use AI extensively and 42 per cent of others are currently exploring the technology. 

AI has extensive applications across sectors and processes. Whether it is listed data security, process automation or customer care services in the form of chatbots, AI is everywhere around us. The technology is no less than a boon as it has helped reduce operational costs significantly, increase efficiency and boost the productivity of businesses. However, the ethical issues associated with the technology are significant and cannot be ruled out. 

Ethical Concerns Associated With AI

Over the course of time, AI has emerged as a transformative technology, revolutionising, and reshaping every aspect of our lives. Ethics in AI refer to the morals, principles and guidelines that drive the governance, deployment and application of AI systems.  

Just like every coin has two sides, even though AI is a powerful and disruptive technology, the fact of the matter is that it serves as a breeding ground for malicious acts as well. 

Biasedness & Discrimination

If used appropriately, Artificial Intelligence can catalyse positive changes. But on the flip side, it can also ignite negative emotions of biasedness and discrimination. Realistically speaking, the technology cannot function in a neutral and fair manner. A simple example stated by UNESCO clearly depicts this challenge-  if we search images for ‘school girls’ in any search engine, the page will reveal women and girls clearly objectifying them. On the contrary, searching for the keyword ‘school guy’, will give you simple images, free from any tags or sensuality. Discrimination is not only limited to gender but can happen based on various other factors like colour, caste, creed, etc. The bottom line is — such biasedness stems from the stereotypical representations that are deeply rooted in our societies. 

If you’re wondering how and why this happens, the answer is — it’s all because of AI’s algorithms. Search engine technology processes big data and generates results with the most clicks depending on both user preferences and location. These results are simply representations of the existing biases of the real world and further amplify their impact in the virtual world. Such biasedness can further widen the existing social inequalities which can be detrimental for businesses and have a macro-level impact on society as well.

Privacy & Data Protection 

AI systems are heavily reliant on enormous amounts of data to learn, predict, and make decisions. The data usually includes personal information and further raises concerns about our privacy. This makes AI systems vulnerable to data breaches; hence, data theft and cybercrime are becoming commonplace. It is crucial that AI systems stringently follow data protection regulations and deploy strong security protocols to safeguard sensitive information. It’s high time that we prioritise transparency and consent during data collection and usage. This will help establish trust between users and AI systems and the fear of privacy issues will gradually fade away.  

Cybersecurity Solutions To The Rescue 

The ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence are endless. Addressing these requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders, including the government, researchers, industry leaders and the public. It is imperative that we establish ethical frameworks providing a direction towards the development and deployment of AI systems. This is where cybersecurity solutions providers enter the picture. They provide security to organisations’ digital assets and protect them against cyber threats. Additionally, by developing robust security tools and promoting literacy and awareness about AI and the associated ethical risks, we can empower organisations to make informed decisions. Such small steps will go a long way in shaping the ethical landscape of AI from a futuristic angle. 

To Sum Up

AI is making our lives easier and more efficient. But it comes with associated risks, including reproducing real-world biases and discrimination, widening gaps in society and posing a threat to fundamental human rights and freedoms. Privacy and surveillance, bias and discrimination and the role of human judgement are the three major ethical implications of AI. However, these risks also present an opportunity to develop strong and secure systems. 

Artificial Intelligence is now an integral component of enterprise cybersecurity. It is vital that even organisations understand the applicable laws, regulations and ethical implications of AI-based solutions instead of merely adopting them. Privacy compliance, data storage security, ownership and accuracy should be strongly considered while implementing security systems for enterprise cybersecurity. With comprehensive cybersecurity solutions in place, companies can truly optimise their AI potential and even minimise risks and ethical concerns.  

(The author is the founder & CEO, TAC Security)

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