Tesla CEO Elon Musk has postponed his visit to India. As per the initial schedule, he was going to be in India on April 21 and 22 but now, the new dates of his visit are yet to be announced. The immediate reasons for the postponement are not known at the moment however, according to reports Musk's visit coincides with his presence required for a crucial conference call on April 23 in the US to answer questions about Tesla's first quarter performance.

He confirmed the news in a post on X. Musk in his tweet wrote, "Unfortunately, very heavy Tesla obligations require that the visit to India be delayed, but I do very much look forward to visiting later this year."

Elon Musk's Visit To India

He was scheduled to visit India on April 21 and 22. During his visit, he was expected to call upon Prime Minister Narendra Modi and announce plans to enter the Indian market. The news of his visit garnered a lot of attention with the Union government notifying a new electric vehicle manufacturing policy just a few weeks ago. This new policy would allow the government to give duty concessions to electric car companies committing to 'Make In India'.

He was also expected to meet with space startups and business leaders here in India. There's a lot of buzz regarding kickstarting Tesla sales in the nation this year. During his visit, he was also expected to engage in discussions with startups at Bharat Mandapam.

Regarding the Starlink agreement, it was uncertain whether it would have been finalised during this trip or not as the final nod from the Ministry of Home Affairs was still awaited. Since the election season is approaching, the model code of conduct is in place so a formal announcement regarding the same is not likely to happen.