According to recent reports, Twitter's approval rate for government requests to restrict or block content globally, including in countries like India and Turkey, has reached an astonishing 83 per cent under the leadership of Elon Musk. Since Musk assumed control in October 2022, the platform has received a total of 971 government requests, a significant increase compared to the 338 received between October 2021 and April 2022. This data was reported by El Pais, a Spanish-language daily newspaper.

Out of these requests, Twitter fully complied with 808 of them and partially complied with 154. Prior to Musk's takeover, Twitter had agreed to 50 per cent of such requests, as indicated in their last transparency report. However, no transparency reports have been published since October 2022, making it challenging to assess the current situation. Nevertheless, data from the technology information portal Rest of World suggests that the compliance rate has risen to 83 per cent following Musk's leadership.

In an April statement, Musk clarified his stance on free speech, emphasising that he supports speech that aligns with the law. He expressed opposition to censorship that surpasses legal boundaries, stating that if individuals desire less free speech, they should request their government to pass appropriate laws. Musk's comments were shared on his Twitter account.

When discussing Twitter's actions in India, Musk stated in a recent interview with the BBC that he would prioritise compliance with the country's laws to avoid potential legal consequences. India has strict social media regulations, and Musk emphasised that he would not allow his team to face imprisonment due to non-compliance. Musk stressed the importance of adhering to the law of the country and highlighted the challenges Twitter faces in maintaining compliance across different jurisdictions.

Musk also claimed that under his leadership, Twitter has experienced a reduction in misinformation and hate speech on its platform. While specific details or metrics were not provided to support this claim, Musk implied that his approach has contributed to a more positive environment.

It is worth noting that the information presented in this report is based on various sources and reports from reputable media outlets. The data provides insights into Twitter's response to government requests and Elon Musk's perspective on free speech and compliance with local laws.