Gautam Adani, Chairman of the Adani Group and Asia's richest man has penned down his thoughts on LinkedIn titled "The Davos Chats – 2023" where he has admitted being addicted to ChatGPT, the viral Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot that has set the internet abuzz with its abilities. ChatGPT can craft jokes to writing ad copies, debugging computer codes and even generate poems and essays.
Adani wrote that among the key discussions at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos was advancements in AI or, to be more precise, around generative AI. It was the buzzword at this year’s event, Adni added in "The Davos Chats – 2023".
"The recent release of ChatGPT (I must admit to some addiction since I started using it) is a transformational moment in the democratization of AI given its astounding capabilities as well as comical failures. But there can be no doubt that generative AI will have massive ramifications," the Adani Group chairman added.
The pioneering of chip design and large-scale chip production put the US ahead of rest of the world and led to the rise of many partner countries and tech behemoths like Intel, Qualcomm, TSMC, etc, almost five decades ago.
"Generative AI holds the same potential and dangers, and the race is already on, with China outnumbering the US in the number of most-cited scientific papers on AI," he said.
In fact, Chinese researchers in 2021 published twice as many academic papers on AI as their American counterparts.
"This is a race that will quickly get as complex and as entangled as the ongoing silicon chip war," he added.
ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot prototype, which is developed by OpenAI. Users can ask questions and the chatbot will respond with relevant, natural-sounding answers and topics. Responses from ChatGPT sound quite human-like and it is designed to mimic real conversations. The bot is capable of explaining, remembering what was said earlier in the conversations, elaborating on ideas when asked and even apologising when it gets things wrong.